The unemployment rate in Prague as of September 30, 2023, was 3.07%
In the entire Czech Republic, the unemployment rate was 3.61%, and on a monthly basis, it increased by 0.03 percentage points. Compared to the same period last year (i.e., September 2022), unemployment increased by 0.11 percentage points.
In interregional comparison, Prague had the sixth lowest unemployment rate among the 14 regions of the Czech Republic.
Prague was the only region where the unemployment rate decreased between August and September, while in other regions, it remained unchanged or slightly increased.
As of September 30, 2023, the lowest unemployment rates were in the South Bohemian region (2.64%), the Zlín region (2.65%), and the Vysočina region (2.69%), while the highest unemployment rates were in the Ústecký region (5.57%), Moravia-Silesia (4.95%), and South Moravia (4.21%).
As of September 30, 2023, the total number of registered job seekers in the capital was 28,039 people, with more than half of them being women (56.8%, 15,915 female job seekers).
Compared to the previous year, there were 230 more job applications (0.8% increase).
On a monthly basis, there were 462 fewer unemployed individuals (a decrease of 1.6%).
Compared to the previous year, the number of registered job vacancies in Prague increased by 11,192 units, reaching a total of 85,733 job vacancies.
This represents a 15.0% increase.
The reason for the increase compared to the previous year is, on the one hand, the significant decrease in the number of job vacancies between May and June of the previous year, and, on the other hand, the gradual increase in this value this year.
This trend continued in September, with 591 job vacancies registered on a monthly basis (an increase of 0.7%).
As of September 30, 2023, there were 3.06 job vacancies per person seeking employment in Prague who could be contacted.